Caffeine Coffee is the most widely used beverage in the world aside from water.
Stimulating Effects
The effects of caffeine vary based on a number of factors, from one person to another. For some individuals one large cup of coffee (150 milligrams of caffeine) can make them nervous, jittery and produce insomnia. Other individuals can become just as high strung and anxious with the amount of caffeine in one can of cola (around 45 milligrams of caffeine).
How Caffeine Works
Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system. As a result, caffeine produces many physiological effects. It speeds up heart rate, increases stomach acid, and acts as a diuretic. Caffeine increases the rate at which the resting body loses energy, and as such has been used to aid many people in their dieting. However, a tolerance towards caffeine will develop, making the benefits seen in dieting unsuitable in the long term.
Use Caffeine in Bodybuilding Sport
The stimulant and fat burning properties of caffeine have proven to be advantageous in many different sports, bodybuilding included. Bodybuilders can help an energy drained workout session by drinking some coffee to get the most out of it. Caffeine plays an important role in the few weeks pre contest where dieting has made energy levels lower, and increased exercising is taking place.
A Natural Diuretic?
Another role caffeine seems to fill is acting as a natural diuretic. Most coffee drinkers will admit that urine output is increased when additional coffee is consumed. Like many diuretics, caffeine interferes with the body’s water conservation systems. For endurance athletes, this could pose a danger as it increases the chances of becoming dehydrated. However, for a bodybuilder, caffeine may help to lose those few extra pounds of water and present a ripped physique. Researchers have known for several years that caffeine helps speed up the oxidation rate of fat. The reason for this is presently unknown.
Other Effects of Caffeine
An increase in strength levels has been seen by bodybuilders and powerlifters consuming caffeine prior to their workouts. Although the explanation for this is currently unknown as well, athletes all around the world have taken advantage of this property.
It is very possible, and even likely to become addicted to substances containing caffeine if taken in high doses or over the long term. Tolerance may also develop, and it may require more and more caffeine to produce the same effect.
Side Effects of Caffeine
Caffeine should not be used by individuals with heart conditions. Also, given its diuretic properties, those with kidney problems should be wary of excessive caffeine use. The evidence which attempts to correlate caffeine consumption with increased likelihood of heart disease, breast cancer, and birth defects has been sketchy and incomplete, at best. The best advice is to avoid consumption of caffeine if you are an individual with a history of heart disease in your family. As well, contact your physician and discuss your situation if you require classification, and to be safe. Pregnant women may want to avoid drinking caffeine altogether, or if not, at least limit consumption to less than two cups per day. Given the acidic nature of caffeine, individuals with ulcers or other stomach ailments should be wary of using caffeine.
Legal Implications of Caffeine
Many sports federations have banned the use of caffeine in events. Otherwise, there are very few legal issues involved with caffeine.
Caffeine Pills
Although coffee is the most popular method of consuming caffeine among the general public, it does have one big disadvantage - convenience. It is not very efficient to spend time brewing coffee with other things to do. For this reason, fast food restaurants and all night coffee shops have become the norm for coffee drinkers. But even the time required to purchase coffee can be less convenient than desired. Caffeine tablets are very popular among late shift workers, as well as bodybuilders. One problem with caffeine tablets is that they contain the same caffeine content as a large cup of coffee, and while it is easy to swallow several caffeine tablets, it is not so easy to drink several large cups of coffee. As with any caffeine containing substances, it is recommended that you do not overdo it.
Contrary to popular belief, a cup of tea contains about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. Tea does not, however, produce the same “kick” effect as a cup of coffee. Tea will not keep a person up all night, and if this effect is preferred, a cup of coffee would be more reliable.
Soft Drinks
These are very powerful because they are loaded with both caffeine and sugar. Bodybuilders will drink a great amount of cola to quench their thirst. However, soft drinks have a diuretic like effect which can aggravate their thirst due to the caffeine content.
Cola Nuts
These seeds come from the cola tree. They contain caffeine and are chewed for their stimulating effect. The nuts have a bitter and aromatic taste. They have not become popular in North America because spitting in public is unlawful, and not culturally accepted.
This blog is an excellent resource on bodybuilding, both for old pros and those just starting out. Check back regularly for articles, workouts you can use.
Jan 8, 2009
Synthol. Something new about synthol and bodybuilders who take synthol
A few years ago you could find any details about the synthol in the media. Its almost not there. And now only lazy not heard about this - so many articles ... Although they all are essentially clones small transferable article that appeared in "Muscle & Fitness" for May 2001 and must pay tribute, contributed to the spread of the crap we have. However, this topic is particularly active became discussed at various sites and forums in the past year. And we should say pleased that consumers and naturally steroids and most of them converge on the fact that the application synthol - the prerogative of the head of terminally ill people do not have to the sport NIKAKOGO Relations. And now in order.
Synthol History
So already taken that conversation to establish synthol begin with mention silken. Let me remind you that the drug which has received huge popularity back in 80 - the deputy, has extremely low anabolic activity, but has the property intramuscular injections cause severe inflammatory reaction, which is a consequence of swelling and, accordingly, short (about 24 hours) increased muscle.
These properties and led to widespread use esiklen by bodybuilders. And simultaneously met German chemist amateur Chris Clark at the idea that a good idea to create a similar long-acting drug.
One of the first users synthol was German strongman Klaus Doring, calling themselves "the owner of the biggest hands in the world" size of 27 inches. You will see him At the end of this article in cunstcamera and you will see that now this is not unusual. A couple of inches through synthol - the usual case. And his knee is now not only in bitсeps and tricepses, but also in igronozhnye, quadriceps, deltoid and chest muscles.
Clark found a truly golden wires (for themselves of course), as provided an opportunity for thousands of people willing to do almost everything for MASSY safe method, which is not to abhor any amateurs or pros. $ 400 - this is the price of bottles sintola, which is prohibited for use on "intended purpose" by all federations and committees, but is sold worldwide as oil for bodybuilding show.
What is synthol?
Synthol by 85% consists of C8-fatty acids (MCT-Medium Chain Triglycerides - urikemy with an average long chain), certain amounts and S10-S12-fatty acids, 7.5% Novocaine (local anesthetics), 7.5% benzyl - alcohol. Speaking in simple language is butter (fat) with some substances. The drug is introduced deep into the muscle, where deposited between bundles of muscle fibers. With repeated injections, the volume of oil in the muscle grows, increasing its size, just as stretched balloon while filling the air. About 30% of the body metabolized the drug. The remaining 70% remain in the muscles, which persisted for over 3-5 years and subjected to a very slow disintegration. Regarding the duration of action synthol there are many disputes, but for the most part, they simply are that synthol delayed in the muscles on a much larger period than was stated - at least 8 years.
How to apply synthol? "Injections are made thin needle to a depth of one quarter of an inch. During the first 20 days of daily and 1 ml. Another 10 days - to 2 ml. Then on 3 ml daily until the muscle will increase its volume. When the growth of stops, within 30 days to 1 ml daily. Another 30 days - to 1 ml twice a day. Then on 1 ml per week for 1 month. Only after such a rate increase muscle becomes permanent, and muscle is not decreasing. Through the course of 4 months must repeat again: may be able to make new additions volume (although chances and not so great, some 50 to 50). " In terms of medicine is a very patient recalls obsessive ideas schizophrenia. You just imagine - a minimum of 275 ml in one muscle, at least 250 injections into one muscle!
Exercise synthol users.
Probably many have heard about using that training synthol (language is not rotated to call them athletes) take on extraordinary completeness, becoming "a truly heavy." That case and read about "unusual pampas", that their hands after one approach in any activity to the top of the body "slaughter" after hundreds of approaches at the hands of any exercises. All this shows firstly the absolute illiteracy consumers themselves, and secondly, the absolute literacy of those who sell this dry an. Therefore clarified. Actually pampas (Inflation) - there is a subjective feeling that occurs in an enhanced flow of blood Results for the working muscle, resulting from the expansion of blood vessels and increasing blood muscle respectively, perceived as aspirants, etc. With regard to the gravity of training and "stoning" muscles, then all is determined by functional chemists working muscles (ie, while the inflow of blood and increased, but it is still insufficient to adequately ensure the muscles with oxygen), the consequence is Anaerobic glicoliz, development of lactic acid, burning and pain in the muscles. What happens if the muscle fibers is synthol? Everything is very simple. During the same approach will suspend the oil mechanically compressed blood vessels and nerves, and that there is as pampas, burning, "avoiding muscles, muscle practically not working.
Dangers of synthol.
"Although Clark argues that synthol absolutely safe, however, in one of the issues" Uncensored "Grega Zulaka he withdrew assume full responsibility for the consequences for the organism, with its use for other purposes than oil for posed." This quotation.
Any injection, even properly executed potentially dangerous for the organism. Virtually none other than doctors (and not all doctors) did not know topographic anatomy vessels and nerves. Especially when it comes to the small muscle groups. T. about. with intramuscular injection rather easily damaged a nerve, causing paresis (violation of sensitivity) or paralysis nerve area.
A few years ago you could find any details about the synthol in the media. Its almost not there. And now only lazy not heard about this - so many articles ... Although they all are essentially clones small transferable article that appeared in "Muscle & Fitness" for May 2001 and must pay tribute, contributed to the spread of the crap we have. However, this topic is particularly active became discussed at various sites and forums in the past year. And we should say pleased that consumers and naturally steroids and most of them converge on the fact that the application synthol - the prerogative of the head of terminally ill people do not have to the sport NIKAKOGO Relations. And now in order.
Synthol History
So already taken that conversation to establish synthol begin with mention silken. Let me remind you that the drug which has received huge popularity back in 80 - the deputy, has extremely low anabolic activity, but has the property intramuscular injections cause severe inflammatory reaction, which is a consequence of swelling and, accordingly, short (about 24 hours) increased muscle.
These properties and led to widespread use esiklen by bodybuilders. And simultaneously met German chemist amateur Chris Clark at the idea that a good idea to create a similar long-acting drug.
One of the first users synthol was German strongman Klaus Doring, calling themselves "the owner of the biggest hands in the world" size of 27 inches. You will see him At the end of this article in cunstcamera and you will see that now this is not unusual. A couple of inches through synthol - the usual case. And his knee is now not only in bitсeps and tricepses, but also in igronozhnye, quadriceps, deltoid and chest muscles.
Clark found a truly golden wires (for themselves of course), as provided an opportunity for thousands of people willing to do almost everything for MASSY safe method, which is not to abhor any amateurs or pros. $ 400 - this is the price of bottles sintola, which is prohibited for use on "intended purpose" by all federations and committees, but is sold worldwide as oil for bodybuilding show.
What is synthol?
Synthol by 85% consists of C8-fatty acids (MCT-Medium Chain Triglycerides - urikemy with an average long chain), certain amounts and S10-S12-fatty acids, 7.5% Novocaine (local anesthetics), 7.5% benzyl - alcohol. Speaking in simple language is butter (fat) with some substances. The drug is introduced deep into the muscle, where deposited between bundles of muscle fibers. With repeated injections, the volume of oil in the muscle grows, increasing its size, just as stretched balloon while filling the air. About 30% of the body metabolized the drug. The remaining 70% remain in the muscles, which persisted for over 3-5 years and subjected to a very slow disintegration. Regarding the duration of action synthol there are many disputes, but for the most part, they simply are that synthol delayed in the muscles on a much larger period than was stated - at least 8 years.
How to apply synthol? "Injections are made thin needle to a depth of one quarter of an inch. During the first 20 days of daily and 1 ml. Another 10 days - to 2 ml. Then on 3 ml daily until the muscle will increase its volume. When the growth of stops, within 30 days to 1 ml daily. Another 30 days - to 1 ml twice a day. Then on 1 ml per week for 1 month. Only after such a rate increase muscle becomes permanent, and muscle is not decreasing. Through the course of 4 months must repeat again: may be able to make new additions volume (although chances and not so great, some 50 to 50). " In terms of medicine is a very patient recalls obsessive ideas schizophrenia. You just imagine - a minimum of 275 ml in one muscle, at least 250 injections into one muscle!
Exercise synthol users.
Probably many have heard about using that training synthol (language is not rotated to call them athletes) take on extraordinary completeness, becoming "a truly heavy." That case and read about "unusual pampas", that their hands after one approach in any activity to the top of the body "slaughter" after hundreds of approaches at the hands of any exercises. All this shows firstly the absolute illiteracy consumers themselves, and secondly, the absolute literacy of those who sell this dry an. Therefore clarified. Actually pampas (Inflation) - there is a subjective feeling that occurs in an enhanced flow of blood Results for the working muscle, resulting from the expansion of blood vessels and increasing blood muscle respectively, perceived as aspirants, etc. With regard to the gravity of training and "stoning" muscles, then all is determined by functional chemists working muscles (ie, while the inflow of blood and increased, but it is still insufficient to adequately ensure the muscles with oxygen), the consequence is Anaerobic glicoliz, development of lactic acid, burning and pain in the muscles. What happens if the muscle fibers is synthol? Everything is very simple. During the same approach will suspend the oil mechanically compressed blood vessels and nerves, and that there is as pampas, burning, "avoiding muscles, muscle practically not working.
Dangers of synthol.
"Although Clark argues that synthol absolutely safe, however, in one of the issues" Uncensored "Grega Zulaka he withdrew assume full responsibility for the consequences for the organism, with its use for other purposes than oil for posed." This quotation.
Any injection, even properly executed potentially dangerous for the organism. Virtually none other than doctors (and not all doctors) did not know topographic anatomy vessels and nerves. Especially when it comes to the small muscle groups. T. about. with intramuscular injection rather easily damaged a nerve, causing paresis (violation of sensitivity) or paralysis nerve area.
Bodybuilding photos
Ingress needle in the blood vessel (especially in the vein), much more dangerous in terms of development of fat embolism vessels of heart, lung, brain, which very often leads to death. Far more often post injection infection and the development of abscesses (limited purulent inflammation) and phlegmon (Distinguished purulent inflammation) requiring surgical treatment.
Above all components of the drug directly stimulate the inflammatory response in muscle, and large amounts of fatty acids in the long term repository between muscle beams, causing ischemia, and atrophy of muscle tissue sclerosis. Think of at least 250 chances to go into eternity!
Ethics and esthetic's
When it comes to that the IFBB has banned the use of sintol It make me lought.
IFBB with its prohibitions is mockery of themselves. Production list of banned drugs, as they would show that you need to take athletes to achieve better results in this federation. They require monsters and monsters are not forced to wait a long time. But if the use of steroids has nothing to do with a natural sport, the synthol has nothing to do with sports in general - is where something from another world ... Mutants World or something like this. And this is not about whether the guy with the steroid arm of 50 cm will lose synthol bastards to shoulder 56 cm and 27 cm forearm and then where would be natural guys without synthol.
No। Just feel sick of all this.
Cabinet of Curiosities
Gregg Valentino - best known synthol user in the world, and part-owner of "the biggest hands in bodybuilding।" For me, so this shit cylinders instead of hands. Incidentally, what happened to his hand, you already can see ... off easily.
Klaus Doring - this is the same, the language is not rotated say strongman, one of the first users synthol, more like a pig-mutant। "Laurels of Valentino" did not let him rest, that's trying to ...
Klaus Kaak - crazy old man।
How can I comment - I do not even know. Simply say where synthol does not existed, because such places do not. No more idiotic not seen.
Abscess instead of biceps are visible even under a coat of paint. A teeth clench probably trained separately.
And as you these "shit capacity". Now, you just look around: those people around just want to vomit - definitely, it was worth it. For that alone is worth come to light.
Another synthol monster - Eli Hanna in the company of Russian mutants (M. Beko - at the top and A. Skachko - below) and mutants. Cool guys - Take an example.
I do not know what he wants to show there - maybe synthol virile member.
The peak on the left biceps in particular possible, especially if success words, synthol ball in the right place at the right time, as well saw and be able to peak at triceps or from elsewhere.
Gary Bles - very typical facial expression shows intellectual capabilities and deep philosophical thought.
"Powerlifter" with a capital letter. No comments ...
Valery Loktionov - 49 years. And most Nice, at different fora, he tries to prove that synthol in him does not existe. Of course not - there is in the best case - "Oil."
Already once mentioned synthol professionals. So here they are. Flex Wheeler's own persona. Titles will not enumerate.
Ernie Taylor - 11 th place at Mr. Olympia 2003.
Mustafa Mohammad - Mr synthol quattro triceps. Idris Ward-El - Champion USA 2002, heavyweight weight and absolute credits (you only see how the Charter - it seems high time to engage feet).
Look-ka at these guys - yes "they didn't know anything about synthol" and deeply intelligent glance confirmation. Well, those born healthy, which is now too ...
Johnny Moya and Nesser Al Sonbati.
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Ethics and esthetic's
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IFBB with its prohibitions is mockery of themselves. Production list of banned drugs, as they would show that you need to take athletes to achieve better results in this federation. They require monsters and monsters are not forced to wait a long time. But if the use of steroids has nothing to do with a natural sport, the synthol has nothing to do with sports in general - is where something from another world ... Mutants World or something like this. And this is not about whether the guy with the steroid arm of 50 cm will lose synthol bastards to shoulder 56 cm and 27 cm forearm and then where would be natural guys without synthol.
No। Just feel sick of all this.
Cabinet of Curiosities
Gregg Valentino - best known synthol user in the world, and part-owner of "the biggest hands in bodybuilding।" For me, so this shit cylinders instead of hands. Incidentally, what happened to his hand, you already can see ... off easily.
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Klaus Doring - this is the same, the language is not rotated say strongman, one of the first users synthol, more like a pig-mutant। "Laurels of Valentino" did not let him rest, that's trying to ...
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Klaus Kaak - crazy old man।
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How can I comment - I do not even know. Simply say where synthol does not existed, because such places do not. No more idiotic not seen.
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Abscess instead of biceps are visible even under a coat of paint. A teeth clench probably trained separately.
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And as you these "shit capacity". Now, you just look around: those people around just want to vomit - definitely, it was worth it. For that alone is worth come to light.
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Another synthol monster - Eli Hanna in the company of Russian mutants (M. Beko - at the top and A. Skachko - below) and mutants. Cool guys - Take an example.
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I do not know what he wants to show there - maybe synthol virile member.
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Gary Bles - very typical facial expression shows intellectual capabilities and deep philosophical thought.
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"Powerlifter" with a capital letter. No comments ...
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Valery Loktionov - 49 years. And most Nice, at different fora, he tries to prove that synthol in him does not existe. Of course not - there is in the best case - "Oil."
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Already once mentioned synthol professionals. So here they are. Flex Wheeler's own persona. Titles will not enumerate.
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Ernie Taylor - 11 th place at Mr. Olympia 2003.
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Mustafa Mohammad - Mr synthol quattro triceps. Idris Ward-El - Champion USA 2002, heavyweight weight and absolute credits (you only see how the Charter - it seems high time to engage feet).
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Look-ka at these guys - yes "they didn't know anything about synthol" and deeply intelligent glance confirmation. Well, those born healthy, which is now too ...
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Johnny Moya and Nesser Al Sonbati.
Synthol how to use ?
Synthol is an intramuscular preparation of a group of fatty acids, which uses modern generation of bodybuilders to increase muscle size greatly retarded groups of muscle. Introduction of a pair of triple-cubes in the calf, shoulders or biceps, it's absolutely everyday business, because these group of muscle are often lagging behind. The drug encapsulating in fascia (it's look like a surrounding muscle fibers, like a sausage casing). With repeated injections, the large doses of "oil" is accumulating and increase muscle volume. About 30% of input materials is destroyed by body enzymes and take out from body in usual ways. Nevertheless, 70% of input synthol is remains under fascia and destroyed very slowly (over 3-5 years).
Syntol consists of mainly C8-fatty acids, a bit of C10 and 3% C12 (the number means length of the molecule). The product also contains 7.5% lidocaine (analgesic) and 7,5% benzyl alcohol (preservative from micro-organisms). Just continuing the debate on replacing synthol with oil MST, which must be entered regularly.
After the synthol injections some time will be pain in the muscles, but the main problem is not the point. In the beginning you will be very unusual to feel terrible pamp a couple of approaches,look like you beat hands with 30 approach .
Side effects of synthol are not studied yet (drug dealers argue that they do not exist). In response, every case is the same side effects as that of a steroid injection of oil- hit oil into the blood, nerve injury, bringing the infection. Caution and accuracy prevent these side effects.
Application: starting dose of 1 ml per day for 10 days, then 2 ml \ 10 days.
Then on 3 ml to achieve the required amount. Then about a month, is done in the course of 30 days to 1 ml.
Syntol consists of mainly C8-fatty acids, a bit of C10 and 3% C12 (the number means length of the molecule). The product also contains 7.5% lidocaine (analgesic) and 7,5% benzyl alcohol (preservative from micro-organisms). Just continuing the debate on replacing synthol with oil MST, which must be entered regularly.
After the synthol injections some time will be pain in the muscles, but the main problem is not the point. In the beginning you will be very unusual to feel terrible pamp a couple of approaches,look like you beat hands with 30 approach .
Side effects of synthol are not studied yet (drug dealers argue that they do not exist). In response, every case is the same side effects as that of a steroid injection of oil- hit oil into the blood, nerve injury, bringing the infection. Caution and accuracy prevent these side effects.
Application: starting dose of 1 ml per day for 10 days, then 2 ml \ 10 days.
Then on 3 ml to achieve the required amount. Then about a month, is done in the course of 30 days to 1 ml.
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