Prostaglandin - little wizards
Training, diet, sleep, vitamins and microelements, anabolic steroids, finally - they are all integral parts of the science of building the perfect body. But all of them - elements of «long way», that require many months if not years, to achieve visible results. But sometimes the result needed few minute: if, for example, the «dry» revealed that there are «tighten up» a group of muscles, and to launch the competition is all nothing. Sometimes, and in another way: there are lots, is the quality of muscles, but the whole picture spoils lagging group. With only do - the result of fluctuating near zero. In both these cases are usually treated with radical techniques, so that combined the title «local increase in muscle».
Esiclene and synthol
In the early stages of development for the local bodybuilding major increase in muscle was considered to be the first drug. Esiclene in our market almost never appeared, though rumors about him «earth is full». Few people are aware that the drug was manufactured, not only in injection form, which, basically, and associated with the name «esiclene», but also in oral. In fact formebolone - Active ingredients of esiclene - is one of the options we are all familiar methandrostenolone. Oral form of the drug did not have any attraction. Unlike injection (the drug was manufactured in 2-militarily vials with a concentration of active ingredient ... 2 mg / ml) to somehow increase the visual muscles after injections. However, the effect of increasing the muscle was very short - only 3-4 days.
The peculiarity of the second drug - synthol - was that broke into the intervals between muscle fibers, it stretches fascia. Interestingly, it is often inelastic fascia is a major obstacle to muscle growth. Synthol removes the obstacle. It is also the fact that x-rays of hands of some «synthetic» athletes made six months after the last injection synthol, found no presence of oil, despite the fact that the muscles are not diminished - fascia filled with tension as the removal from the body synthol new muscle fibers .
While the creator of the drug claims that the use of synthol is absolutely safe, it's not strictly true. Injections deep into the muscle is always bound with risk to cut nerve, especially the people with less knowledge in anatomy. The great risk is developing abscess as a result of falling infection in the arm. Typically, abscesses formed as a result of synthol are not resolve on their own or under the influence of external and require surgical intervention. Even the worst case - hit oil in the general bloodstream, it threatens to actually fatal consequences for the organism. This diversion not only because of a failed injections, but also as a result of the gradual release of oil from the depot, near a large blood vessel.
The risk of applying synthol and forced to seek safer drugs for the local increase in muscle.
What is a prostaglandin?
Prostaglandin belong to the group of substances, the are combined with overall title eicosanoids that are derivatives of fatty acids.
Prostaglandin and their metabolites can be found in nearly all tissues of the human body. The term «prostaglandin» place of persuading them to Pioneer that these substances are synthesized prostate (prostate gland).
Prostaglandin not so long ago began to be used in the practice of bodybuilding, but so far apply to professional athletes, even better than the synthol. Prostaglandin, unlike the same synthol shape muscles do not change, but simply increase its volume, although not expressed as the last. 5-cm additives of using prostaglandin can not be achieved, in any case, fast, but will raise a very good quality. Yes, and the risk of prostaglandin can not be compared with the risk of accompanying injections of synthol.
Especially the widespread use of bodybuilding drugs found, containing as active ingredient alprostadil. Alprostadil (the drug of prostaglandin E1) has vasorelaxation effect, improves microcirculation and peripheral circulation. In medical practice, its use in treating various conditions associated with the violation of circulation, including in the treatment of impotence (alprostadil cause relaxation of smooth muscles cavernous matter of the penis and facilitates the flow of blood to the penis).
But not only that. Research has shown that prostaglandin F2-a (PF2-a) has a significant effect on protein synthesis, as well as the ability of muscle fibers produce more matrix RNA (mRNA), which leads to faster growth of fibers. The same prostaglandin has an impact on increasing the number of ribosome in a cage.
The use and dosage
Strictly speaking, alprostadil appointed by intravenous infusion or intra-arterial introduction of drug, but since our goal is with you only improving peripheral circulation, it can also be used intramuscularly. Usually alprostadil applied to increase local deltoids, biceps or triceps hardly be justified his use of large muscle groups.
The volume of one injection of 20-50 mg, produced, usually no more than two injections in one day. Best time for injection - before bedtime. Typically, the use of a costly drug justified only immediately before the competition (for 7-10 days before the launch), when you need take a rest lagging muscle group or work on symmetry. Do not exceed the length of the course in 4 weeks, it is better to limit yourself to two.
With regard to drugs, active substances which is alprostadil, they are many. The most common are:
▪ Alprostan. Producer - Lechiva (Lechiva, Slovakia). Product: concentrate for the preparation of the solution, 0.2 ml vial, 100 mg active substance in the ampoule.
▪ Vazaprostan. Producer - Schwartz Pharma (Schwartz Pharma, Germany). Preparations: powder solution ampoule, 20 mg active substance in the ampoule.
▪ Caverject. Producer - Pharmacy and Apdzhon (Pharmacy & Upjohn, USA). Preparations: powder solution bottle + syringe with the solvent, 10 or 20 micrograms active substance in the vial.
So as to use of prostaglandin has a greater effect, its should be slightly adjust their training to include compulsory exercises for stretching (preferably - power, not less than 1 minute).
Side effects of prostaglandin
In applying alprostan may experience headache, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, increased fatigue, general malaise, sweating, lowering the pressure. Maybe there limb edema, where the drug. In any case, these side effects are not any in comparison with the risk that accompanies the use of synthol.
However, neither in comparison with synthol not prostaglandin and the price - the cost of a single injection of something around 20 American dollars. Given the need to «balanced» injection, the drug could be available only to a very narrow range of athletes with much money.
Besides mentioned in this article preparations for the local growth of muscles can be used and Insulin like Growth Factor (IGF-1), and local injection of aqueous solutions (suspensions) and anabolic androgenic steroids (testosterone suspension, «Vinstrol-Depot»). You can apply and injections «short» AAS oil-based, better - at oleat (although there are a number of «but» - Traditional oil is too thick for the normal penetration in the intervals between the fibers and oleat - too liquid, and it is metabolize quickly). Create, invent, try. Not forgetting that previously consult with a specialist.
Synthol feature is that, penetrating into gaps between muscle fibers, it stretches fascia. Interestingly, it is often inelastic fascia is a major obstacle to muscle growth. Synthol removes the obstacle. It is also the fact that x-rays of hands of some «synthetic» athletes made six months after the last injection synthol, found no presence of oil, despite the fact that the muscles are not diminished - fascia filled with tension as the removal from the body synthol new muscle fibers .
Prostaglandin not so long ago began to be used in the practice of bodybuilding, but so far apply to professional athletes, even better than the synthol. Prostaglandin, unlike the same syntol shape muscles do not change, but simply increase it's volume, although not expressed as the last. 5-cm additives of using prostaglandin can not be achieved, in any case, fast, but will raise a very good quality.
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