Intensity has been identified as the single most crucial factor to success in your training. Intensity can be defined as the percent of your momentary ability to perform an exercise. Intensity has nothing to do with how much resistance you are using, nor what percent of your 1 repetition maximum is for a chosen exercise. It refers to the DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY that you experience during the exercise.
The specific intensity required to produce optimal gains in strength is unknown at this point. However, if you are a healthy person and perform an exercise to the point of MOMENTARY MUSCULAR FAILURE (100% intensity), you can be assured that you have attained a level of intensity that will stimulate growth and strength (34& 35).
The specific intensity required to produce optimal gains in strength is unknown at this point. However, if you are a healthy person and perform an exercise to the point of MOMENTARY MUSCULAR FAILURE (100% intensity), you can be assured that you have attained a level of intensity that will stimulate growth and strength (34& 35).