the roads of England was war. The failure of economic policy turned into riots, exchanged fire with police, the bomb ... On the streets of a furious crowd spilled wits: smashed windows, overturned and burned cars, looted stores ... For Dorian and his eternally drunk friend came minute of have good time. The two "cool" guys were able to run fast, and in this crazy moment they feel like "fish in water". A huge showcase scattered in a thousand pieces. Dorian drew out a dummy in a suit for a good thousand pounds, and friends, a happy, shouting and singing dragged "prey" on the street. Scotland Yard has handed them. Hack was stooped by the cold shower in the station. At the "cool" guys wore steel bracelets. Flashes blinded camera of police photographer. " And then behind their back sobering shut the steel doors of prison cells. Freedom of the end! Here there is, behind bars, Dorian, and adopted a policy decision: to take destiny into their own hands, to live meaningfully, and, most importantly, never to play dangerous games with the law ...
New Deal

support a family. In 23 years the nature of a closed circle. Dorian became as we know it today: an independent, critical and, of course, opinionated - into a father.
Forward, only ahead!

Dorian - Mr Olympia So much has happened that has gradually captured the entire bodybuilding Dorian. He literally "swallow" books, magazines, every crumb of information on bodybuilding. He "sharpens" the course, receiving supplements and diet to science is the severity and grew with incredible speed. In 1992, Dorian won the first "Olympia." For many it was a shock. In the 1993 world bodybuilding awaited new shock. Chief editor of "Flex" Jerry Kindela, on the status of sitting in the front row at a crucial round of "Olympia", recalls: "As long as the giants stood on the stage, Jupiter damp. But kerf light on the entire roll, and ... We could not believe her eyes! Audience Man Champion " Dorian has been enormous: 124 kilos of rigid as steel, muscles. With the growth of above 180 cm, he seemed giant. Even opponents of higher growth in its "background" appear in children. At the same moment it became clear that the fight would go only for second place. Dorian - a winner ... In the following two years of Dorian been severely tested. His intended injury. First, divide the right biceps, and the 1995-meters - tear cvadriceps. But he clearly knew: if he will stooped his"marginal" training will almost certainly lose. Partners Dorian on training tied him to the bench, put in the hands of the monstrous weight and kept where it writhe in pain: "The pain was so terrible, as if I was operated on without anesthesia. But whatever happens, I always take the call. The harder the challenge, so valuable success. " Even in the most "hard" times Dorian no doubt of victory. And against all odds to win.
Dorian, six M-r. Olympia "- is not just a" champion body. It focuses, serious, profound and persistently is the target point. "Success - the result is not the case, a clear plan - he said. - I do not unsparingly or my forces. But I studying the situation, formulate clear goals and begin full-scale offensive." Perseverance, independence and strength of character - these are the main features of Dorian. "Victory is born in mind, the mind makes you a champion. And the battle for" Sandova "is not in the room, and in your soul. When I go to the podium, the struggle is already over. It's the spirit - that's where the beginning of success." But the victory in sport - is not the whole life. "My personality is not just to fight for the title of" M-r Olympia, "- said Dorian. - Victory in the tournament - my professional accomplishments, but they define the nature of force. Just have to be born so. If
I had not made his in bodybuilding , would find it something else. Without fear began to be again, and in another profession would come to the same vertices. That, I guarantee you!

Dorian like any "star", surrounded by gossip and rumor. The truth is that in his forearm "fascist" tattoo? What is he - an active racist and likes to scratch fists in the pub? Dorian shake shoulders: "I have a wife half-chines. Sister-in-law, nephew and cousin, and is black." Regarding tattoos: "When I was a boys, was the fashion for such a tattoo, it has nothing to do with Nazis. Maybe someone interprets it to your taste, but in my" tattoo "is no crime." About drunken fights: Full delirium! Past has happened, I was forced to defend themselves. And now I'm just doing my thing and not diverted to the small stuff. " And what about the future? Of course, Dorian will continue to win. As with professional sports will come to an end, plans to move to the States and "settle down" in Florida. Wants to stay in the sports business, open a club, to keep coaching. What would he advise beginners? "The first - to choose a direction and set goals. And more work! And if you want to become proffi, used to attack obstacles. Do not deceive yourself, follow your way, believe in our abilities.
And it is not tired to repeat myself: will still be a victory for me!.
1 comment:
hello you are super i met you in finland when you won over all mr.olympia you are greatest bodybuilder i am your friend from sweden stockholm 6 feet 2 iches tall very muscular 120 pound with good genetic my besy regard to you
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