Jan 10, 2013

How Jennifer Bricker Did It

She met Eric on a Saturday and was at my first workout/consultation on Tuesday. She was ready to rock! When he showed her everything that She had to stop eating She was sad!
She LOVEs food and didn't want to give those things up, but She wanted her career to be successful.
So, the next week She started going to bed between 9-10 p.m. and cut out A LOT of food She had been eating (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, bananas, peanut butter, cereal, etc).
Her trainer  took the challenge of training a person without legs full on.
His method for working out women primarily focuses on their lower body. How would this work for me? We did a lot of brainstorming and trial by error.
The first couple sessions were experimental to see how many of his methods would work for Jennifer and how we would need to alter them. Surprisingly, not much had to be altered; Jenny was able to do all of the exercises everyone else did.

The biggest challenge was having 100 percent focus on making sure her thighs replicated the same movement and motion that everyone else created with their legs. In the beginning, her range of motion was limited, but now it's MUCH easier for her to target specific areas.

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