Nov 14, 2013

3 steps to ensure maximum muscle growth

1. Lift more weight - Simple, right? Well, I don’t mean for you to just try and lift as much weight as you can every time you head into the gym. I mean that if you’re doing a program, keep track of exactly what you’re lifting every time you’re in the gym, and then try and best it the next time you’re working out doing the same exercise.t.

2. Sleep - This whole post I’ve talked about training, and different steps to take when you’re in the gym, but one of the most important factors in your eventual success actually happens in the bedroom – and no I don’t mean sex. Allowing your body the proper recovery is maybe even as important as the workout. It’s in rest and recovery that our bodies repair the muscle tissue that we’ve broken down during exercise – in effect, “building muscle”. Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep each night.

3. Drink water – lots of it. - Our muscles are actually made up of 70-80% water, which means that if you’re going to get the most out of your muscles, you’re going to have to keep them hydrated. Not to mention the fact that a healthy supply of water boosts the metabolism, helping your body burn fat.

In 1997, a German study found that protein synthesis occurs at a higher rate in muscle cells when they are well hydrated, compared to dehydrated cells. So keep your muscles hydrated!

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