"No, Larry, of you do not go - that's these words I was greeted at the athletic club. - You are too narrow shoulders." To hear that it was doubly disappointing, since I myself know that my shoulders, really, rather. I clench one's teeth and accepted for training. I gave myself a word that more than anybody, and never tell me anything like this. In fact, everything is not as easy as in words. Even after several years of training I looked obvious outsider. However, in the end I do the trick. When I went to the podium first "Olympia" and showed "double biceps from behind," the audience in the hall, the crowd flipped its raspberry. It was the triumphal moment of my life! I am ahead of their opponents and won the tournament. And this is despite the fact that my shoulders do not become wider. In fact, that I could do with his skeleton? I am irreplaceable simple trick, which I want to tell you. The point is that the narrow nature of the shoulders, I compensated for the huge delta. I will not tell tales that all this was a deliberate strategy of my training. Far from it all happened by accident. Once I went with friends out of town and there is strong shoulder injury. It was sick, and for the next train, I decided to give up exercise for deltas Otherwise everything was as usual. The last time I remembered, as was reading somewhere that bruises, fractures and all that cure exercises dealt with the exercise without weight. So I decided to do so make a few press with very light dumbbells to "develop a" sore shoulder Until then, I "shook" delta bar higher weight, and then took first in the hands of two small dumbbells. And when I lifted them above the head, inside my resound like someone's voice: "No, Larry, is not the case. Well try to divorced elbows wider. Yes, right now a little incline dumbbells inwards and squeeze them up. Correctly just do not forget about the elbows. Keep them wider. Take a few repetitions of these .. " It is clear that when I pushed up a heavy pole, I certainly could not hear a hint that of my own intuition. Now I heard it and just followed the instructions. Before I gradually came that exercise transceiving load on the head - medium - pencil delta. "Yes, I realized - I whisper to myself, - Excellent! Excellent!" What happened has opened my eyes, not weight, and shape the implementation of acts on the arm exercises! With traffic, I found myself in 3 months "inflated" the delta of phenomenal proportions. Such delta - round like a cannon-kernel! - My shoulders seemed monstrous! To teach you how to perform this remarkably effective exercise. All you need is a dumb-bell, a mirror, and any support behind their backs at the waist, it was easier to maintain balance. So, get into the hands of dumbbells and bend them inwards so that the little finger were higher thumbcuffs. Remember, the dumb-bell can not be changed. This is the main secret exercises. When the dumb-bell tilted inward, triceps "off" from work. In all other press Delta shared the load with triceps. Lift the dumbbells over your head, but not entirely square cubits. Rights when you hand your Delta "switched off" bent elbows in this exercise, do not give them a "get out of the game during the entire set! And more. Make sure that elbows were taken back maximally. If you bring elbows at least slightly, the load is moved from the middle to the front beam deltas! Reverse the motion should be done slowly when stressed elbows will be a straight line, stay for a moment and try to delete the elbows below to stretch the middle beam. Then go back to its original position and re-start the movement upwards. Let me remind you that you need to begin the exercise with a very low weight in order to learn it. It would be better if you exercise before it comes in front of the mirror, take Dumbbell in one hand and place the palm of the other arm on the working delta. You'll find that the Delta turn to stone "only if done correctly, the movement. That exercise made me a champion. Even as I write these lines, I feel in the deltas of the repercussions of past pain. Sweet pain, I should say.
Ronnie Coleman was born May 13, 1964 in the American city of Monroe, Louisiana. From childhood he was very athletic kid. Due to different genetics, inherited from their parents, Ronnie at twelve years has made good results in sport. He enjoyed football, basketball and baseball. A lot of times to him on the field approached the adults and advised to quit "iron" because of his age is too early to raise the gravity. The most interesting thing is that while "child" Ron is not even represented, as is the boom!
Driven by curiosity, he went to the nearest home gym of power lifters where and continued to walk until he entered the college and move to American football. The new epoch, also not achieved impressive success. It took only 3 years to break into the starting line Grabber as a secondary linebacker. He even managed to take part in the drawing Super cup in New Orleans in 1986. It took some time and Ronnie realized that the strong shocks in a large sport - it is not for him and become a professional soccer player was not interested.
After graduating college with a diploma of an accountant, he worked for two years, a manager at Dominos Pizza, and found that his numbers are not encouraging. For example, answering an ad in the newspaper, Ron graduated from the police academy and was promoted to patrol and Arlington. But the police without the muscle does not good - that Coleman and returned to the hardware. The owner of the gym, where he promised him cop a free pass if he would participate in the competition "Mr. Texas." It was in April 1990.
Then Coleman won his first bodybuilding show, winning first in his weight class, and then became the absolute champion of the competition. Ronnie himself modestly notes that "made a very small number of guys." What can not be said about the world championship among fans, which Coleman has won the following year, earning a professional card. Here it is, and absorbed as much as four years, a huge chasm that lies between the professional and amateur bodybuilding. Only in 1995, he managed to become the first Cup in Canada [and then in 1996 to make a double] and occupy second place on the "Night of Champions." These achievements, he, however, and as "the Grand Pri of Russia" -97, considered major victories in a career (of course taking to "Olympia").
Coleman had never dreamed of a career in professional body-and therefore continues to work with the police all day. He found it on the soul and the question, what would you like to become, if the quarry bodybuilder failed, do not hesitate says: "Of course the police officer." Ron is very anxious to apply his / her profession, considering it the most interesting in the light, and with a smile remarked: "When I was to approach the sidewalk, where having any kind of race, the huge police car, get out and people see that I am more than my wheelbarrow. You can believe me, all at once become manageable as a lamb. "
In addition, Coleman is very calm and balanced person, is considered the most important in your life what would you think? No, not body-building, and faith in God [by the way, his favorite book - "Bible"]. Although, bodybuilding champion, took in the life of one of the most important places. It is thanks to him Ronnie met with his girlfriend Vikki Gates - one of the best female bodybuilding athletes. Coleman, with his enthusiasm, after the failure of speech to "Mr. Olympia - 97, where he became the ninth, started the victory march in the May trade show this year.
Taking first place in the "Toronto Pro" and "Night of Champions" has been on the head and shoulders above all their opponents, including Kevin Levrona, which he yielded only in the San Francisco Pro, with a questionable refereeing. And was fully prepared to take part in the main fight of 1998. Before the May show at Coleman was asked about his plans for the coming competition, and he replied that it would be well arranged to get the top five with "Olympia." Future champion, even could not assume that after six months of his or her name will be forever inscribed in the history of bodybuilding.